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Back when we were little, we took lots
of naps in the bathroom sink. That rocked.

Once in a while someone would flip on the
lights and wake us up. That sucked.
The living room chair is also a favorite spot,
although we don't share it much anymore
since Sophie and Julius showed up.

If you look closely in this picture you can
see the cool patch of black skin on the roof
of Carmen's mouth.
We like to call this sleeping position the "figure eight."
It takes a lot of practice.
Most of the time we just land on top of
each other any which way and fall asleep.
When we were little, we could both fit
in the middle platform of the cat condo,
with extra space left over!
Now that we're big, we can't do that anymore.
But we can both fit into a bucket the same
size as the middle platform. Go figure.

Copyright ©1996 by Oscar and Carmen